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Powerful small-size Mouse Snap Trap

Product No. HC2202

Availability:: large quantity
Dimensions: 970 x 470 mm
Colour: black

Price: 6,90 PLN net/piece

The Mouse Snap Trap is a simple, highly sensitive metal mouse trap. It should be placed in front of the mouse hole and where the mouse is most active. We usually put one trap per square meter of the inside and one per five meters in the field. The mouse trap is equipped with a responsive and precise trigger mechanism, which makes trap faster and easier to set and guarantees human safety.

The Snap Trap can also be combined with a deratisation feeder or a live trap, ensuring 100% certainty of catching rodents.

The trap is reusable.
It is made of metal which is easy to clean and does not absorb odors or stains.


To avoid possible injuries, care should be taken when placing bait in the trap.
Keep away from children and pets, store in a safe place.

Powerful large-size Rodent Snap Trap

Product No. HC2201

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 140 x 750 mm
Colour: black

Price: 9,20 PLN net/piece

The Rodent Snap Trap is a simple, highly sensitive metal trap designed to catch mice and rats. It should be placed in front of the rodent hole and where the rodent is most active. We usually put one trap per square meter of the inside and one per five meters in the field. The rodent trap is equipped with a responsive and precise trigger mechanism, which makes trap faster and easier to set and guarantees human safety.

The Snap Trap can also be combined with a deratisation feeder or a live trap, ensuring 100% certainty of catching rodents.

The trap is reusable.
It is made of metal which is easy to clean and does not absorb odors or stains.


To avoid possible injuries, care should be taken when placing bait in the trap. Keep away from children and pets, store in a safe place.


Product No. HC2312 / HC2312B

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 330 x 215 mm

Price: 6,90 PLN net/piece.

The Rodent Glue Trap is equipped with a very strong, nondrying glue. Ecological, non-toxic and odorless material ensures human safety and hygiene. The Rodent Glue Trap is a next-generation product, its glue will not be affected by any weather.

Directions for use:

Carefully open the glue trap and place it where mouse or rat is most active, and throw it away after catching the rodent. Put more traps if there are many rodents there. To increase certainty of catching rodent, one can combine the trap with a bait, such as Wabiwax cubes.


Numer produktu: HC2312SY /HC2312SB

Dostępność: duża ilość
Rozmiar: 215 x 160 mm
Kolor: brązowy lub czarny

Cena: 5,75 zł netto/szt.

Pułapka klejowa na myszy i szczury posiada bardzo mocny, niewysychający klej. Ekologiczny, nietoksyczny i bezwonny materiał zapewnia bezpieczeństwo i higienę dla ludzi. Jest to produkt nowej generacji - pogoda nie będzie miała wpływu na klej.

Sposób użycia:

Ostrożnie otwórz pułapkę klejową i umieść ją w miejscu, w którym zwykle pojawiają się myszy, szczury - następnie wyrzuć ją po złapaniu gryzonia. Umieść więcej pułapek, jeśli miejsce jest zainfekowane gryzoniami. Aby uzyskać lepszy efekt, użyj pułapkę z przynętą np. kostkami Wabiwax.

Small-size Live Mouse Trap

Product No. HC2501

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 260 x 160 x 40 mm
Colour:silver (galvanized steel) with glass

Price: 29,90 PLN net/piece

A live trap is used to catch rodents without the use of rodenticide. It is made of galvanized steel, is equipped with two trapdoors on two independent sides and can hold several mice at once. The live trap should be used in every indoor place, especially in the foodservice industry. Meets the requirements of the HACCP system.

In accordance with the current Eco-deratisation regulations, it is recommended to use a live trap with snap traps contained, so as not to use any attractants.

Large-size Live Rodent Trap

Product No. HC2501D

Availability: duża ilość
Dimensions: 170 x 400 x 110 mm
Colour: silver (galvanized steel) with glasses

Price: 44,00 PLN net/piece

Pułapka żywołowna służy do chwytania gryzoni bez użycia trucizn. Wykonana jest z wytrzymałej, wysokogatunkowej blachy ocynkowanej, która jest odporna na warunki atmosferyczne, słońce, deszcz i jest wandaloodporna. Pułapka ta pomieści kilka sztuk myszy, szczurów jednocześnie. Pułapka żywołowna powinna być stosowana w każdym lokalu wewnątrz, przede wszystkim w gastronomii. Spełnia wymogi systemu HACCP.

Zgodnie z postępującymi przepisami Eko deratyzacji, pułapkę żywołowną zaleca się stosować z pułapkami zatrzaskowymi wewnątrz jej, aby nie używać żadnych atraktantów, środków wabiących.

Corner Live Mouse Trap

Product No.: HC2501S

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 260 x 115 x 65 mm
Colour: silver (galvanized steel) with glass

Price: 28,90 PLN net/piece

A live trap is used to catch rodents without the use of rodenticide. It is made of galvanized steel, is equipped with two trapdoors on two independent sides and can hold several mice at once. The live trap should be used in every indoor place, especially in the foodservice industry. Meets the requirements of the HACCP system. In accordance with the current Eco-deratisation regulations, it is recommended to use a live trap with snap traps contained, so as not to use any attractants.

Double-sided corner Live Mouse Trap

Product No.: HC2504

Availability: large quantity
Colour:silver (galvanized steel) with glass

Price: 33,50 PLN net/piece

A live trap is used to catch rodents without the use of rodenticide. It is made of galvanized steel, is equipped with two trapdoors on two independent sides and can hold several mice at once. The live trap should be used in every indoor place, especially in the foodservice industry. Meets the requirements of the HACCP system. In accordance with the current Eco-deratisation regulations, it is recommended to use a live trap with snap traps contained, so as not to use any attractants.

Klatka na zwierzęta siatkowa

Product No. HC2609SF

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 1000 x 260 x 300 mm
Colour: galvanized steel

Price: 150,00 PLN net/piece

One-entry trap for rats, martens, ferrets, minks, etc..

Deratisation feeder

Product No. HC2118

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 340 x 230 x 110 mm
Colour: black

Price: 25,30 PLN net/piece

Deratisation feeder is made of durable, high-quality material, which is resistant to weather conditions as well as to vandalism.

Deratisation station is locked with a small and easy to carry key. It is advisable to attach the feeder to the wall so that the mouse does not drag it away.

Deratisation feeder

Product No. HC2114GL

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 415 x 85 x 90 mm
Colour: silver - galvanises

Price:: 29,90 PLN net/piece

Deratisation feeder is made of galvanized steel.

Deratisation feeder

Product No. HC2114SL

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 415 x 85 x 90 mm
Colour: stainless steel

Price: 34,00 PLN net/piece

CNMC Fogger - 4,5L ULV


Product No. CNMC

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 390 x 270 x 430 mm
Colour: blue, white, black
Tank capacity: 4,5 l
Power: 1400 W
Spraying range:5-10 metres
Spraying volume: 150-260 ml/min

Price: 1 035,00 PLN net/piece

CNMC-4.5L ULV fogging machine is characterised by lightness, small size and high efficiency. It can be used not only in canteens, schools, camps, hotels, offices, but also in greenhouses and the food industry. What is more, its application includes combating flying and crawling insects as well as cancel out odors.

CNMC Fogger - 130 ULV

Product No. CNMC-130

Availability: duża ilość
Dimensions: 570 x 250 x 335 mm
Colour: blue, grey
Tank capacity: 5,0 l
Power supply: AC220V/110V50HZ
Power: 1000 W
Spraying volume: 470 ml/min

Price: 1 150,00 PLN net/piece

CNMC-130 ULV cold fogger is very efficient when using repellents, disinfectants and mould control. It use large amounts of air at low pressure to produce aerosol droplets of precise sizes.

If you would like to order or get a quote for larger quantity of products
Contact us on the number604 177 469


Insecticidal lamp - sconce WE-121215

Product No. WE121215

Availability: duża ilość
Dimensions: 596 x 247 x 133 mm
Material: stainless steel
Weight: 2,9 kg
Operating area: 90 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W / T8 / BL350 * 2 pieces

Price:: 529,00 PLN net/piece

Multifunctional, high-quality decorative insecticide lamp.

The light direction can be changed down and straight in three directions by turning the front cover, and the stick can be changed freely on both sides. The lamp has also an intelligent attachment function! Its hanging hole can be rotated horizontally to the wall.

White, double-sided Insecticidal lamp WE-SB-60

Product No. WE-SB-60

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 470 x 130 x 330 mm
Material: metal and stainless steel
Weight: 6,0 kg
Operating area: 180 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W T8 x 4 pieces UVA

Price: 729,00 PLN net/piece

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

Double-sided, sticky and stainless insecticidal lamp WE-SB-60S

Product No. WE-SB-60

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 470 x 130 x 330 mm
Material: metal and stainless steel
Weight: 6,0 kg
Operating area: 180 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W T8 x 4 pieces UVA

Price: 840,00 PLNnet/piece

One-sided, sticky and stainless insecticidal lamp Led


Product No. WE-SB-LED

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 460 x 290 mm
Material: metal and stainless steel
Weight: 3,9 kg
Operating area: 90 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W / T8 x 2 pieces LED

Price: 730,00 zł net/pieces

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

One-sided, sticky and stainless insecticidal lamp WESB-30S

Product No. WE-SB-30S

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 470 x 90 x 285 mm
Material: metal and stainless steel
Weight: 3,9 kg
Operating area: 90 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W T8 x 2 pieces UVA

Cena: 630,00 zł netto/szt.

igh-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

One-sided, sticky and stainless insecticidal lamp WESB-30

Product No. WE-SB-30

Dostępność: duża ilość
Rozmiar: 470 x 90 x 285 mm
Materiał: metal i stal nierdzewna
Waga: 3,9 kg
Obszar działania: 90 m2
Świetlówki: FL15W T8 x 2 szt. UVA

Cena: 530,00 zł netto/szt.

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

One-sided, sticky and stainless silver-graphite insecticidal lamp WE-1032155

Product No. WE-103215S

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions:49,8 x 9,2 x 29,8 cm
Weight: 5,0 kg
Colour: stainless steel
Operating area: 90 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W T8 x 2 pieces UVA

Price: 570,00 PLN net/piece

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

One-sided, sticky, black insecticidal lamp WE-103

Product No. WE-103

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 498 x 92 x 298 mm
Material: metal i stal nierdzewna
Weight: 5,0 kg
Operating area: 90 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W T8 x 2 pieces UVA

Price: 470,00 PLN net/piece

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

Double-sided zapping insecticidal lamp WE-150-2

Product No. WE-150-2

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 470 x 130 x 330 cm
Material: metal and stainless steel
Weight: 7,0 kg
Operating area: 90 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL15W T8 x 2 pieces UVA

Price: 600,00 PLN net/piece

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

Double-sided zapping insecticidal lamp WE-400-2

Product No. WE-400-2

Availability: large quantity
Dimensions: 620 x 130 x 365 mm
Material: metal and stainless steel
Weight: 8,5 kg
Operating area: 240 m2
Fluorescent lamp: FL40W T12 x 2 pieces UVA

Price: 750,00 PLN net/piece

High-quality insecticidal lamp designed for restaurants, food facilities, canteens. Made of metal and stainless steel.

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